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Web integration

You’re good to go: You’ve received your individual account access via email.

In order to be able to use Signalize, the individual Signalize code must now be integrated once into all pages of the website. This is provided under the menu item Settings → Installation.

Wenn du ein Cookie-Opt-In auf deiner Website einsetzt, darf der Signalize Code dort nicht integriert bzw. darüber blockiert werden! Die Einwilligung für das Setzen von Signalize Cookies erfolgt über das spezielle Benachrichtigungs-Opt-In. Dies wird im ePrivacy-Rechtsgutachten bestätigt: „Da für den gewünschten Dienst erforderliche Cookies standardmäßig nur bei Einwilligung in den Empfang von Benachrichtigungen gesetzt werden, entfällt eine separate Cookie-Einwilligungspflicht.“ Das musst du bei Einsatz von Cookiebot oder Consentmanager beachten.

Additional data can be passed via parameters and interfaces for targeting purposes.

The Signalize Code is compatible with the etracker Tracking Code for using etracker Analytics and etracker Optimiser. This ensures that the products can be used and combined flexibly without having to implement additional code.

Integrate Signalize Code via Plug-ins

For the following shop and content management systems, the Signalize code can be integrated by using a plug-in:

Integrate Signalize Code manually

If it is not possible to integrate Signalize via plug-in, the Signalize code should be integrated once on the layout template.

Insert the Signalize code within the HTML source code on all pages of your website or in the template of your shop or content management system between the opening tag and the closing tag.

We recommend including the Signalize code immediately after the opening tag or as close to it as possible.

Quickstarts for the following systems

There is a quick guide for integrating the Signalize code for the following systems:

Instructions for special cases

With the so-called wrapper, page impressions can be tracked without expressly opening a website. For more information about integrating the wrapper please read:

Dynamische Inhalte mit dem Wrapper erfassen

With Signalize it is also possible to display notifications to visitors of AMP pages. To do this, the page must be adjusted in a maximum of two places. How this works can be read here:

Google AMP

eCommerce API

The e Commerce interface is available to you to record e Commerce events such as product viewed, product placed in the shopping cart, product added to watch list, product ordered.

Functionality of the eCommerce API

The eCommerce API is a JavaScript interface. It can receive various events that a customer triggers in an online shop. This can be done in the classic way per page view or event-driven. The data transmitted consists of information about the products, shopping carts and orders. With the data collected in this way, you can e.g. determine how many shopping carts were left or which products were looked at particularly often.

The data transmission can take place at the actual time of the customer action, for example when the customer puts the product in the shopping cart, or later, e.g. in the case of a submitted form. Here the event is only sent when the customer has reached the following page. In an asynchronous environment it is also possible to store events and only send them when the Signalize code is loaded. The examples below explain the different ways of adding events.

Mehr zur eCommerce API
